Disputes & Tribunals | Aberdein Considine Legal

Employment tribunal solicitors with decades of experience

Disputes & Tribunals

Good employers work hard to maintain positive relations with employees, but what if this is not always reciprocated?

With appropriate advice taken at the earliest stage possible, most issues can be resolved before a formal dispute even arises. Our Employment team works with employers to identify where remedial steps may be taken to repair employee relations before matters escalate to a dispute.

Where, however, the employment relationship deteriorates to the point where a separation may be prudent, we can advise employers on how best to conduct separation discussions whilst protecting them against claims.

Alternatively, despite best efforts, where a claim is submitted against an employer, our team is well placed to provide the necessary support - providing decisive and commercially sensitive advice throughout the process.

Our Employment team regularly appears in Employment Tribunals in Scotland and across the UK, and also handle employment claims in the civil courts.

Our (pricing and) cost information for this service in England & Wales can be found at the following link:

Cost Information

How can we help?

Our Employment team advise on contentious employment issues, supporting employers every step of the way. We provide practical solutions to resolve employee disputes to ensure that the business is not derailed from their wider goals and objectives.

Our services include:

  • Handling employee grievances, including the preparing of template documentation, investigation of grievance concerns and the formulation of the grievance outcome and any appeal which may follow;
  • Supporting employers through the use of workplace mediation;
  • Advising on protected disclosure (a.k.a whistleblowing) matters, including the investigation and remedial action which may be suitable once a concern is raised;
  • Supporting employers through Protected Conversations and Without Prejudice discussions where it has been identified that the prudent solution is to amicably terminate the employment relationship;
  • Representing employers through ACAS Early Conciliation; and
  • Defending the full spectrum of Employment Claims, including unfair dismissal (including constructive dismissal), discrimination, unpaid wages/holiday pay, breach of contract and whistleblowing claims.

Our client promise

At Aberdein Considine Legal, we have a simple three-point promise to all of our clients.

  • Aberdein Considine represents both claimants and respondents in contentious employment situations and advises a range of businesses on issues such as employee benefits and HR procedures. The practice is led by Sally-Anne Anderson, who alongside associate Catriona Ramsay, is noted as ‘smart, no-nonsense and well-adjusted to operate in changing market conditions’.